
Zattoo for you

Your Advertising Spot on Internet TV #watchyouwant
ads, galaxy, samsung,


  • 3 million users across Europe (DACH)

  • Over 250 TV channels in Switzerland

  • Over 1 million unique users per month in Switzerland

  • Number 1 TV streaming provider in Europe

Connected TV CTV

Video & Display Ads

Instream Video - High completion rate & viewability

Branding Day - Large daily reach (approx. 180,000 ad impressions per day), click-through rate 1-2%

High Impact Display Formats - (HalfPage Ad, Billboard & Prestitial) among others

Special Formats
You can find our Ads presentation here
You can find our technical specifications here

Zattoo Platforms & Our Portfolio

Dynamic Ad Substitution - Live insertion for free and paid users via Zattoo, Teleboy, Salt & Yallo

CTV Inventory - Over 50% of users use Connected TV, which includes mobile devices, streaming devices, and gaming consoles.

Curious? Download the PDF here

We are the provider of high-quality video advertising on CTV, mobile, and desktop with all the tracking and measurement advantages of online advertising.


1.5 Mio.

Active Users*

*GiK Q1 2024 & Zattoo Data June 2024


Party Data
Targeting auf Login Daten

40 Mio.

InStream Video


User über
Connected TV

targeting ads


  • Socio-demografisch:
    Alter, Geschlecht, Sprache

  • TV basierte Interessen:
    Genre & Kategorie

  • Geo & Device:
    Z.B Sprachregion & Endgerät

  • Audience Segmente:
    über 22 vordefinierte Audience-Segmente, sowie saisonale und individuelle Audience-Segmente

Aktuelle Audience Liste hier herunterladen

Portrait of Martin Schlenker

Your Contact Person at Zattoo

Martin Schlenker
Head of Sales Switzerland
Phone: +41 79 319 05 79
martin@zattoo.comVotre contact chez Zattoo

Contact Martin Schlenker